

What is Preschool?

This stage is a very important step for your child's future learning skills and success. From the time your child is born until the age of 6, early life experiences should be happy, active, exciting, fun and safe, and should support their development, interest and learning needs.

Preschoolers learn by playing, exploring, and actively thinking creatively and critically through activities both inside and outside the classroom.

At this stage, our students follow the UK's Early Years Foundation Stage. This curriculum consists of 7 main learning areas:

Key area

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

Specific Fields

  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Art and Design

Each student's "Learning Adventure" is observed personally.

The purpose of the Learning Adventure is:

  • Celebrating children's achievements and moments of amazement.
  • To act as a reminder of extraordinary experiences and to share experiences between home and school.
  • Monitoring children's developing abilities.
  • To provide the necessary support to the academic staff so that they can meet the learning needs of children.
  • Show students' progress.
  • Recording children's perspectives.
  • Highlighting children's discoveries.
  • Supporting children when they are struggling.

Our students are placed in the appropriate department according to their birth dates. EYFS Junior is for students aged 3 years old. EYFS 1  is for students aged 4 and EYFS 2  is for students aged 5-5.5.

Our School Hours: 09:00-15:30

Strong Infrastructures

Learning is encouraged through classroom and out-of-class play. Our teachers; the whole class together create a variety of learning environments, such as pair and individual learning, in small groups. Additionally, our teachers use a wide variety of resources to encourage students to learn and engage. Many different resources are used, such as storytelling technique, STEAM activities, puppets, arts and crafts activities, songs and nursery rhymes, puzzles, sand and water games, games about building, and games with outdoor equipment. In the afternoons, the necessary environment is provided for free movement activities where children can play and explore, create and think critically, which will support their active learning.

Special Needs

Classroom teachers observe each student individually and follow the progress of the development process. Teachers contact our school's Learning Support Unit if they have any concerns about the student. Upon the notification of their teachers, the experts in the Learning Support Unit of our school observe the student in different processes such as class, break, lunch and game time. These observations made by the experts are shared with the parents of the students and necessary guidance is provided.

Collaboration with Parents

Dropping your child into Preschool classes for the first time can be a stressful moment for both you and the student. That's why we try to make this process as easy as possible. If a student starts school in September, if there is a problem with adaptation to school, we apply our “Settlement Without Tears” principle. We receive support from our parents until our student is ready to be alone in the classroom, in this principle, which consists of 3 steps, which must be followed by our parents and students.

Our Parent Meetings are held in October and April, giving our parents and classroom teachers the opportunity to discuss student development, needs and progress.

Reports are sent to our parents about the progress of our students in the Preschool program twice a year, in December and June.

We regularly organize sharing meetings called 'Coffee Morning'. These sharing meetings are among the activities we organize to provide an environment for our parents to come together with Preschool and Primary School Directors and talk about the subject they want to discuss.

Finally, our school has a Parent-Teacher Association, which takes an active role in the organization of many activities.

The Importance of Collaborating with Parents

It is believed that parents are the first teachers, acting with parents and teachers is a positive development and learning processes that can be validated. We can raise this increase, our parents. Here are some suggestions you can apply at home:

Parent Information

Monthly Bulletins are prepared with details of all the activities of our Pre-School and Primary School students throughout the month. In addition, in order to convey general information, our Communications Department periodically prepares Parent Bulletins and shares them with our parents.

We also have Notice Boards for our parents on our campus. These boards include bulletins, circulars, current letters and the food menu.

Please feel free to contact us for:

The British International School  Admissions
The British International School Procedures
The British International School  Campus Visits

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