Student Life
Our teachers, who are aware of the positive impact of playing games on the development of children, attract the attention of children by trying to create a learning environment through play and accelerate their adaptation. For this reason, they enrich the educational environment before school by creating areas where children can choose individually. In primary school, this wealth is provided by doing projects.
Activities are planned to raise awareness of responsibility, fun projects are carried out that are observed in the hobby garden or in the classroom and require individual responsibility.
In our campus, which supports three main topics as human relations, communication skills and active use of a foreign language, students communicate in a foreign language during joint play hours. At the same time, our students mingle with different cultures and spend their play time having fun and enriching themselves culturally.
Representations (Assemblies)
Our primary school students have representations once a week. These representations are related to many different themes and topics: such as Student Council, Drama in the Mother Tongue, health and classroom dramas. The representations also include celebrations of birthdays, Intra-School Team scores, Student of the Week and other original certificates.
At the end of each academic year, primary school students are rewarded for their special skills, achievements and talents with an Award Ceremony.
Certificates and Awards
Each week, students selected by their class teachers based on their academic, personal, social or emotional achievements earn a Student of the Week certificate. At the same time, students can be selected for the Student of the Week certificate by branch teachers for a special branch.
ESL Certificates: Our students who complete the ESL program are also awarded with an ESL Certificate.
Special Needs
Classroom teachers observe each student individually and follow the progress of the development process. In case of possible concerns about the student, teachers contact the Learning Support Unit of our school. Upon the notification of their teachers, the experts in the Learning Support Unit of our school observe the student in different processes such as lessons, recess, meals and play time. These observations made by the experts are shared with the student's parents and the necessary guidance is made.
Joint Work with Parents
October April Parent Meetings are held, which provide our parents and classroom teachers with the opportunity to discuss the development, needs and progress of the student.
June December and June reports are sent to our parents twice a year about the development of our students in the preschool program.
We organize sharing meetings called ‘coffee morning’ at regular December intervals. These sharing meetings are among the activities we organize to provide an environment for our parents to come together with Preschool and Primary School Decedents and talk about the topic they want to discuss.
Parent Information
Monthly Bulletins are prepared containing the details of all the activities that our Preschool and Primary school students do during the month. December October, in addition, in order to convey general information, our Communication Department prepares Parent Newsletters at certain intervals and shares them with our parents.
In addition, we have Notice Boards for our parents on our campus. On these boards, bulletins, circulars, current letters and food menus are displayed.